Monday, November 10, 2008

Reflections on submission...

So, I am going to bite the bullet and be the first one to post on here. :)

For the past 24 hours, our Sunday School lesson from yesterday has been kinda rolling around in my head (thanks Jay! - he be the new teach -) For those of you who don't know, we just started a new book for Sunday is "Touching Godliness through Submission" by K.P. Yohannan. I'll be honest, haven't cracked it open yet, just skimmed over the back. However, I'm excited about it.

Yesterday Jay talked about how the natural speaks of the spiritual, using the solar system as an example of God's perfect order. He highlighted the way that each planet is specifically placed, but most importantly, the earth, and the exact distance it is held from the sun...not too hot, not too cold, but just right (thanks Goldilocks). He used this example (in much more detail than I'm giving) to show how God has set up the body of Christ with order...and how that order gives lots of room for differences, personality, talents, etc and yet through the order God has set up, when we submit to Him and to one another, things work! i.e. the planets in their placement and rotation are "submitted" to the sun, gravity, etc. The verse we focused on was Ephesians 5:21 -

"...submitting to one another in the fear of God."

That is an idea that runs counter to our culture's obsession with independence and individuality. Yes, God made all of us unique and with specific purpose. Yet, we are not meant to do it alone. I'll admit that this is something that the Lord has really worked hard on me in the past couple of years. Being the oldest in my family, I am used to doing things on my own, being in charge, and thinking for myself. It is not difficult for me to take initiative and overlook asking for help. Not because I don't like people, but usually because its just easier to do it myself and I don't want to "bother" anyone. Or, in all honesty, my pride says that I can do it better myself anyway. Sometimes when I am in a rough spot, it takes extra effort for me to reach out to others. I am generally pretty transparent about my "issues" but that isn't the same as allowing people to speak into my life and really being connected. I have really been stretched in the past year when it comes to truly submitting not only to God, but to the order he has set into place...His family (leadership, brothers/sisters in the Lord, etc). It is not easy, by my goodness it is ever rewarding!

Jay touched on the practical application to submitting to one another. Some of that means overlooking idiosyncrasies, offenses, preferences, and flaws that we might see in our brothers and sisters and putting on love, grace, and humility instead. Yes, there is a time for confrontation and "speaking the truth in love"...but I think sometimes we could afford to extend a little more grace! After all, how great is the grace that our Heavenly Father extends to us despite all the mistakes we make! In examining myself and my own heart, I've found that the more the Lord works on my heart to bring humility, the more I am able to love and extend grace to my brothers and sisters (still working on it of course). THAT is when the Spirit can truly move, because unity is there!

I could say a lot more on this...but I know others will have good stuff to say...

I'll leave you with just my heartfelt thanks. To all of you, whether you are here or far away. I am so incredibly thankful for the family God has given me through His body. Each of you have encouraged me at some point or another and played an intricate part in not just my life, but in God's order that He has set up for His family, the church. I don't know what I would do without you all! I am excited about what God is doing and is going to do as we continue to submit to Him, each other, and the plans that He has for His body.

Have an awesome day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Sounds like an incredible teaching! Submission is such a stretching teaching. Praise God that his mercy and grace is sufficient. Great observations Ash, i appreciate your details since I couldnt be there. Praise God!!