Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First of all, I want to say that I am so excited about this blog. I have been wanting a way to stay connected with you Mexicoan people. I love to know what's going on in your lives so that I know how to pray for you. I also love it that I can share what's going on in my life so that you know how to pray for me. It's so awesome!

God has really been working on my a lot lately. He has been talking to me about the way I see things. Most of the time I see things through my fleshly eyes. When I look at people, it's normally through my flesh and I end up judging them when I really don't know what's going on in their lives. When I look at sin in my life and in the lives of others, I see it though my flesh and I end up making my sin look pretty good and everyone else's sin look terrible. When I look at God, I see him through the flesh and, depending on how I feel that day, He may look like a demanding master or a father who looks the other way when his child does something wrong or even a "wizard of oz." Another way that my flesh gets in the way is when I think about lost souls. I tend to forget that hell exists and just let those lost souls wallow in their muck.

The amazing thing is when God helps me to take off those flesh glasses and put on His Spirit glasses, my whole life begins to change. This is why I have to walk according to the Spirit every minute of every hour of every day. God longs to pour out His annointing on us because when He does, we change. We love Him more. We love our family more. We love our friends more. We love our enemies more. We see why sin is so bad and we see why God is so good. He begins to mold us and shape us into something new. When we see through our flesh glasses our vessel begins to crack. We are no longer useful vessels. But when He starts to mold and shape us, He makes us useful again.

"But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand." Isaiah 64:8

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